Something interesting to tell

About Company
Fibonacci is the legendary brand of the first city farms in Europe created based on the unique technologies of the Italian and Russian agronomists, capable of transforming your ideas on the plants growing and healthy diet.
Fibonacci city farms imply many years’ experience and highest quality, reliability and confidence in the future.
Being the owner of Fibonacci city farm, you become part of a particular world of like-minded people. The world where the brilliant engineering developments, difficult search and finding of true ecological solutions, selection of healthy nutrition and dietary, enthusiasm and painstaking work rules thus enabling our specialists to create an innovative product which can always provide you and your family with fresh and healthy, fleshy and incredibly tasty vegetables, berries and lettuce. And please remember that we consider the pleasure that you experience possessing and using Fibonacci city farm as our highest award.
Technology background
IV mill. BC
The ancient Aztecs in the Central America learned how to grow sugar cane plant, vegetables and flowers in aquatic medium.
VII-VI cent. BC.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the most ancient Wonders of the World, is another most famous example of aquaculture application.
XVII cent.
Francis Bacon and other scientists started to study the methods of soilless plants growing.
XX cent.
Intensive development of aquaculture due to new technologies in the glasshouse cropping. Founders of the Russian aquaculture tradition: professor Pryanishnikov D.N. and academician Timiryazev K.A.
XXI cent.
New time requires new attitudes toward ourselves and the world. The sharp drop in the quality of industrial products predetermines the development of individual agricultural technologies. In the Russian climate, the most reasonable and fruitful solution is to create home installations that are optimal for use in a city apartment by the widest circle of people. 2015 became a starting point for Fibonacci.
Technologies and design
Classic agricutural technologies SalviVivai (Italy), Siemens electronic and light emitting diode systems of the international manufacturer OSRAM used for Fibonacci city farms ensure maximum crop yield of the grown croppings.
Elegant design of Fibonacci is truly delightful and confirms the high technology of the city farms. Elegance of the forms, austerity, fancy color layouts, aesthetics of package contents allow to incorporate Fibonacci equipment into any modern interior. Superb materials of exterior finish of the body and interior equipping create exquisite appearance and atmosphere of comfort.
Fibonacci city farms are the very picture of admirable design and innovative technologies.
Fibonacci and ecology
Fibonacci is the embodiment of the environmentally friendly future we are taking care of by using the reprocessable components for all city farm models, energy efficient diode lamps of high power but low heat release level, high technology manufacturing that does not harm atmosphere and Earth soil cover and is located in a unspeakably beautiful green natural zone. Fibonacci city farms imply the premium household appliances symbolized not only by perfect quality and priority of the innovative technologies but also by environmental compatibility of the principles.
Fibonacci brand adheres to the policy of environmental concern from the first day of its existence. Design technologies taken as the basis for the process of the city farm body materials production conform to the most demanding environmental considerations which completely exclude the smallest possibility of environmental pollution.

That’s how we put into reality the laws of the nature itself, the laws of Fibonacci taken as the basis for the philosophy of the brand bringing into world the equipment destined to create.